ADALINE Introduction
According to [1], the ADALINE, which stands for Ad aptive Li near Ne uron, and a learning rule which is capable, at least in principle, of finding such a robust set of weights and biases. For [2], the ADALINE nets was developed by Bernie Widrow in the Stanford University shortly after Rosenblatt will develop the Perceptron . The ADALINE term is the initials, however, its meaning has changed slightly over the years [2], Initially it was called ADA ptive LI near NE uron; happened to be ADA ptive LIN ear E lement when the networks fell out of favor in the 70 years. By [1], The architecture for the NN for the ADALINE is basically the same as the Perceptron, and similarly the ADALINE is capable of performing pattern classifications into two or more categories. Bipolar neurons are also used. The ADALINE differs from the Perceptron in the way the NNs are trained, and in the form of the transfer function used ...